A case report of a duct of Luschka is presented. It is a rare accessorycholecysto hepatic duct first described in 1863. The importance of the duct lies in its vulnerable position during cholecystectomy. Damage to this duct may induce bile leakage morbidity. The frequency of injury to this duct is not well known, and the techniques for finding or avoiding injury to this duct have not been previously emphasized. In this case, the patient was suffering from right upper quadrant abdomen pain. He visited our emergency department and was hospitalized. The magnetic resonance cholangiogram (MRCP) revealed two cyst ducts. During the operation, we noted this cholecystohepatic duct of Luschka. Ti was demonstrated with intra-operative cholangiography. The laparoscopic cholecystectomy was successfully completed and the patient was discharged several days later.
Duct of Luschka, Bile leakage, magnetic resonance cholangiogram