A rare case of proliferating trichilemmal tumour of mons pubis in an elderly male
Mohamed Javid, Shanthi Ponnandai Swaminathan, Rajeswari Mani, Arun Victor Jebasingh
53卷4期 (2020/8)
Proliferating trichilemmal tumour (PTT) is a rare skin lesion arising from the isthmus region of the hair follicle, with a potential for a malignant transformation. It has a predilection for the scalp (90%) and commonly occurs in elderly females after the age of 50. However, there are various case reports suggesting that PTT can rarely arise from other areas. Here we present the case of an elderly male who came to us with an ulceroproliferative lesion in the mons pubis. A wedge biopsy suggested that the lesion was a PTT.
Histopathological examination following a wide local excision confirmed the diagnosis of PTT without any foci of malignant changes. We feel this case is of interest and deserving to be reported on account of the unusual location and differential diagnosis from other diseases.
Mons pubis, proliferating trichilemmal tumour, ulceroproliferative lesion