Major Blunt Liver Injury with Contrast Pooling and Abdominal Compartment Syndrome: Report of a Case
Yu-Pao Hsu, Jen-Feng Fang, Being-Chuan Lin
39卷4期 (2006/8)
The abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS), broadly defined as organ dysfunction
due to intra-abdominal pressure beyond some cut-off point, can occur in patients
with severe blunt abdominal solid organ injury with massive hemoperitoneum. Here,
we report a 20-year-old man sustaining major liver laceration with contrast
extravasation and massive hemoperitoneum. He subsequently developed ACS and
was successfully treated with angioembolization and needle paracentesis. We suggest
that bed-side ultrasonography and needle paracentesis be considered as an expedient
alternative for decompression of intra-abdominal hypertension in patients with blunt
solid visceral organ injury with massive hemoperitoneum and ACS.