A colostomy is one of the most popular techniques used as a protective maneuver for a distal anastomosis and/or temporary fecal diversion loop colostomy is used mainly for fecal diversion so as to protect the distal bowel. We report a new simple technique for the creation of mucosal spur in between the proximal and distal stoma without using either a tube or skin flap. The essence of this technique is the creation of mucosal spur by placing two additional sutures in the bridge in between the proximal and distal stoma. The placement of sutures creates the spur and helps in defunctioning of distal stoma. Seventeen patients were operated by this technique over a period of 1 year. The creation of the mucosal spur was excellent. There was no requirement of a tube or skin flap in any of the patients in the follow‑up. There was no problem of loss of spur over a period. This is a simple technique, which needs few additional sutures apart from the necessary sutures needed for maturation of colostomy.