Objective: A new technique to deal with difficult end-to-end anastomosis and for
anastomosis of atherosclerotic arteries in head and neck surgery by using a selfdesigned
loop holder.
Methods: A C-wire is twisted to form a loop at the tip and a needle holder is used to
grasp the twisted wire. The wire is then used to guide the needle through the vessel
wall during anastomosis. Minimal contact of the intima with the wire occurs. This
technique is specifically used to deal with difficult end-to-end anastomosis for
atherosclerotic arteries in head and neck surgery.
Results: The mean follow up period was 14 days after surgery. All cases with no
anastomotic complications such as arterial or venous insufficiency, artery occlusion
or venous thrombosis. The diagnosis is according to the appearance and capillary
refilling time of the flap. One case had re-exploration because of persistent oozing
from the penrose drain for 8 hours. There were no anastomotic complications found
during operation.
Conclusions:The new method provides better handling of the vessel and a
satisfactory completion of the anastomosis in a difficult condition.