Non-operative treatment of idiopathic colonic perforation in a neonate
Yun Chen, Hong-Shiee Lai
36卷3期 (2003/6)
Single bowel perforation without clinical evidence of intestinal obstruction, NEC, or other gastrointestinal lesion may then be diagnosed as idiopathic bowel perforation. Idiopathic colonic perforation in the neonate is rare and difficult to diagnose clinically. Surgical treatment of idiopathic colonic perforation is usually necessary. We present the experience of successful conservative treatment for a fullterm neonate with idiopathic colonic perforation. She was a full-term baby who had abdominal distension and bilious vomiting at the age of three days. There was no occult blood in the stool. A contrast study of the lower gastrointestinal tract showed a small perforation at the splenic flexure of the colon on the 6th postdelivery day. Because her condition was stable and there were no peritoneal signs, conservative treatment was given. Feeding was started 17 days after admission, and she was discharged 9 days later. She was doing well after 10 months of follow up. It is advocated that non-operative treatment may be feasible in patients with idiopathic colonic perforation in a stable clinical condition wgere there is a small and localixed perforation and a good facility for close observation.