Bleeding gastrointestinal stromal tumor in a patient with a history of leiomyoma of the ileum
Wei-Chen Lin, Chen-Wang Chang, Ching-Wei Chang,Chung-Hsin Tsai, Horng-Yuan Wang
46卷1期 (2013/2)
Small intestine tumors, such as gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs), are rare and difficult to be diagnosed. The most common GIST symptoms are abdominal pain and bleeding. A novel enteroscopy method is helpful in the localization and preoperative evaluation of small bowel tumors. We report a 77-year-old woman who had a history of leiomyoma in the ileum 20 years previously. She presented with intermittent bloody stool passage. Pathological examination showed a GIST in the ileum measuring 3.5 cm X 2.5 cm X 2.0 cm. The aim of this case report is to remind clinicians that GISTs should be considered if a patient with a history of leiomyoma in the small bowel has obscure, inexplicable gastrointestinal leeding.