Complete Cricotracheal Disruption Following Blunt Trauma to the Neck
I-Lin Hsu, Yaou Fong
36卷5期 (2003/10)
A 35-year-old male patient sustained complete cricotracheal transaction with wide separation of the ends following blunt neck trauma. Because of the stable general respiratory condition after endotracheal intubation by the physicians in the emergency room, the pathognomonic signs of severe major airway injury were not recognized, and this caused an unnecessary delay in treatment. A gradually deteriorating respiratory status after extubation of the endotracheal tube indicated a diagnosis of severe cervical tracheal injury. Treatment was performed 5 days after admission. It included primary end-to-end anastomosis of the trachea and a tracheostomy. The patient had an uneventful recovery, and follow-up showed no major late complications. We review this experience and discuss the diagnosis and treatment of such an injury. It is suggested that early diagnosis and treatment of tracheal transaction are important in blunt neck trauma cases.