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第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Emerging robot-guided techniques in endodontic microsurgery


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Management of subcapsular hematoma after living donor liver transplant


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Urethral pseudodiverticulum with left-sided nonfunctioning kidney: Case report


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Strategy to minimize surgical defect of dermatofi brosarcoma protuberans


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Rapunzel syndrome—An uncommon disease with varied common presentations


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Minimally invasive approaches to management of acute necrotizing pancreatitis


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Innovative surgical technique: Addressing ethical concerns


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Emergency surgery and HIV screening, clinical or universal scenarios?


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
High mortality rates associated with parainfl uenza virus, not metapneumovirus, infections in lung transplant recipients: A retrospective observation


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Predatory clinical surgery journal, rescinding the decision to accept submitted article and unjustifi ed rejection and unprofessional conduct


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Sacrifi cial of unilateral vertebral artery for fragment removal following vertebral artery injury by air rif le pellet gunshot: A case report


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Evaluation of three-dimensional reconstruction technology in precision hepatectomy for primary liver cancer


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Exploring the seasonal variation of anorectal disease: A comprehensive study


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Efficacy of the minimal-invasive vacuum-assisted biopsy under direct visualization with ultrasound for impalpable breast lesions in Taiwanese female: A retrospective case-control study


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Computed tomography on the 5th postoperative day helps distinguish grade C from grade B pancreatic fi stula after pancreaticoduodenectomy for periampullary cancer


第57卷 第6期 2024-11
Pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC): Why it will transform cancer surgery


第57卷 第5期 2024-9
Evaluating the pros and cons of anonymous commenting on PubPeer


第57卷 第5期 2024-9
Infected urachal cyst with urethral stricture disease presenting with intraperitoneal perforation of cyst and pyoperitoneum


第57卷 第5期 2024-9
COVID-19 vaccination and acute cholecystitis: A rare but important clinical problem


第57卷 第5期 2024-9
Hobnail-shaped primary prostatic urethral calculus due to urethral stricture disease

篇名 Simultaneous Treatment of Neglected Femoral Neck and Subtrochanteric Fractures and A Secondary Femoral Shaft Fracture : A Case Report
作者 Nan-Ping Yang, Kuan-Yih Wei, King-Jen Chang
卷期/出版年月 37卷2期 (2004/4)
頁次 69-73
摘要 An iatrogenic femoral shaft fracture complicating neglected femoral neck and subtrochanteric fractures is rare. We report a case of an 86-year-old woman, admitted for pneumonia and sepsis, with simultaneous neglected femoral neck and subtrochanteric fractures of the right hip and flexed contracture of the hip and knee joints of both legs due to long term bed-rest. These were secondarily complicated by an iatrogenic ipsilateral femoral shaft fracture when the nursing staff attempted to change her position. Surgical intervention was performed for further care and quality of life: the neglected fractured femoral head was removed, and the malunion of 2 subtrochanteric fragments was separated by osteotomy; a long bipolar cementless stem was placed through these segments, and an external cableplate system with proximal and distal cables was advanced laterally. An acute superficial methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection occurred postoperatively and required a 5 week regimen of vancomycin. Finally, the infection was treated successfully. Bone union was evident radiographically 18 months after the surgery. Up to now, the patient has remained bedridden but pain-free for more than 3.5 years.
關鍵詞 femoral neck fracture, subtrochanteric fracture, femoral shaft fracture
分類 Case Report

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