摘要 |
This 11-year-old girl underwent a modified Fontan operation at the age of 4 years due to tricuspid atresia Ib, ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, amd mild pulmonary arterial stenosis. Subsezuently, she had problems with progressive exercise intolerance, poor appetite and hepatomegaly after the Fontan operation. Cardiac catheterization showed left lupmonary arterial occlusion with right pulmonary arterial pressure over 30 mmHg, severe right atrial dilatation, and inferior vena cava engorgement. In addition, O2 saturation was only 87%. Surgical intervention was elected because of impending Fontan failure. Operation was performed with takedown of previous atriopulmonary connection, atrial septectomy, total extracarciac cavopulmonary anastomosis with a 22 mm polytetrafluoroethylene graft, and interposition of the left pulmonary artery and arterial pressure was 14 mmHg and O2 saturation increased to more than 95% after the operation. During follow-up of 12 months, hepatomegaly subsided and New York Heart Association class I was noted. |