Umbilical Metastasis – An Unusual Presentation of Colon Cancer: Report of two Cases and Review of Literature
Ting-Min Hsieh, Cheuk-Kwan Sun, Hong-Hwa Chen
43卷1期 (2010/2)
While the liver and lungs are the most common sites of metastasis from colon cancer,
umbilical metastasis is rare. Usually this kind of metastasis becomes evident only
when intra-abdominal malignancy is widespread with typical presentation of
carcinomatosis demonstrated at laparotomy or on imaging study. We present two
cases of colon cancer with umbilical metastasis without extensive dissemination. One
patient developed a painful umbilical nodule 1.5 years after an uncomplicated
colectomy. Another suffered an indurated umbilical nodule associated with an
obstructive sigmoid colon cancer. Pathological analysis of these excised umbilical
nodules both demonstrated cutaneous metastasis of colonic origin. Careful
surveillance of the periumbilical region is indicated in patients with a colonic
malignancy to avoid overlooking possible metastatic implants, in order to provide
early curative treatment.
colon cancer, umbilical metastasis, Sister Mary Joseph’s Node