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第58卷 第1期 2025-1
Plastin 3 expression in circulating tumor cells as a predictor of cancer status in patients with prostate cancer


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篇名 Plastin 3 expression in circulating tumor cells as a predictor of cancer status in patients with prostate cancer
作者 Meng-Hung Shih , Tai-Lung Cha, Sheng-TangWu, EnMeng, Chih-Wei Tsao, Chien-Chang Kao, Chin-Li Chen, Yu-Ching Juho, Hui-Kung Ting, Guang-Huan Sun, Sun-Yran Chang, Dah-Shyong Yu, Ming-Hsin Yang
卷期/出版年月 58卷1期 (2025/1)
頁次 1-5
摘要 Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common cancer among men worldwide. The aim of the study is to identify the role of plastin 3 (PLS3) expression in circulating tumor cells (CTCs) of early stage PCa. MaterialsandMethods: CTCs were collected from23 PCa patients based on cell surfacemarkers targeting PCa by V-BioChip. Condition of Plastin 3 expression and correlations to the PCa were also analyzed. Results: Of the 23 patients with PCa, total CTCs (CK+ or PLS3+) were found in 11 patients and PLS3+ CTCs were detected in 10 patients. When the cohort was stratified by risk group, 90% of the high-risk patients were found to have PLS3+ circulating tumor cells (9/10 patients). However, only 15.4% of low/intermediate-risk patients had PLS3+ circulating tumor cells (2/13 patients). The number of PLS3+ CTCs was higher in the high-risk group. Conclusions: The expression of PLS3 in CTCs is associated with PCa risk. Further study of PLS3+ CTCs for prognosis prediction is required for clinical application in PCa patients.
關鍵詞 CTCs; Prostate cancer; PLS3; Risk stratification Abbreviations: CTCs, circulating tumor cells; PLS3, plastin 3; PCa, prostate cancer; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; PLS2, plastin 2; OS, overall survival; DFS, disease-free survival
分類 Original Article

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