Endotracheal Tube as an Atrial Caval Shunt to Rescue a Juxtahepatic Venous Injury
Jing-Wen Sheu, Yih-Huei Uen, Yee-Phoung Chang
28卷3期 (1995/6)
Blunt hepatic trauma assoiciated with juxtahepatic venous injury results in a high mortality rate. The optimal method of dealing with such an irljury remains controversial. A 25-year-old male with Grade IV hepatic trauma was managed successfully by right lobectomy after insertion of an endotracheal tube through the atrial appendage to the level of the suprarenal cava, via median sternotomy. The atrial ca val shunt is an aggressive and effective method which can well control hemorrhage before the onset of coagulopathy or hypothermia. The endotracheal tube as a shunt has enough size for blood flow back to the heart, and also it is inexpensive and convenient, making it a very useful rescue procedure.