Shyr-Chyr Chen, Chu-Chung Chou, Ray-Hwang Yuan, Teng Ying Hock, Chi-Wen Juan, Tin-Chi Choi, Shih-Ming Wang
30卷2期 (1997/4)
The relationship between alcohol use and head injury has been investigated over the past three months. A total of 251 patients suffering traffic accidents and 70 patients (27.9%) sustaining head injury were included in this prospective study. Twenty-six (37.1%) of 70 patients had detectable blood alcohol concentrations. Alcohol users had an increased incidence and severity of head injury. Most of the cases were male patients. There was no significant difference in age, Glasgow Coma Scale, Injury Severity Score, and Revised Trauma Score between patients with alcohol use and those without. Compared with non- lcohol users, alcohol users contained more patients with Glasgow Coma Scale<15. Those patients with blood alcohol concentrations of more than 150 mg/dl had an increased incidence and severity of head injury. Further study to testify the impact of alcohol use on head injury is mandatory.