摘要 |
Background: Zinc deficiency is associated with poor wound healing, skin lesions, alopecia, etc. It is common inmalnourished patients.
Although parenteral nutrition (PN) has anabolic effect; however, lack of zinc supplement for a long periodmight result in zinc deficiency. The
aim of the study is to calculate the incidence of zinc deficiency and the correlation to multiple nutritional parameters.
Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of patients who received PN and were under care of nutrition support service of Mackay Memorial
Hospital from 1995 to 2020. Zinc serum level less than 800 μg/L were considered zinc deficiency. All patients had evaluation of nutrition
status by assessing of albumin, total lymphocyte count (TLC), and midarm circumference (MAC).
Results: Data were analyzed by analysis of variance. A P value less than 0.05 was considered significant. A total of 3854 patients received
PN during this period, 18 of them had zinc level less than 800 μg/L. In those 18 patients, 12 of them had clinical symptoms and
signs of zinc deficiency. The average day of receiving PN for patients was 74.4 ± 62.5 (14–204) days. The average day of appearance
of symptoms was 11 ± 12.3 (1–43) days. Eleven patients received blood or plasma transfusion during this period. It was found that serum
zinc level did not correlate with serum albumin, TLC, and MAC.
Conclusions: Zinc deficiency could occur in patients with PN and adequate supply of calorie. It also occurs in patients with extra loss
such as discharges fromenterocutaneous fistula even in patients with supply of daily requirement of zinc. Zinc deficiency does not correlate
with serum albumin, TLC, MAC, or age. |