Small Bowel Perforation Following Lumbar Discectomy -- A Report of Two Cases
Han-Lin Yen, Kang Lu, Chih-Chi Wang, Tao-Chen Lee
32卷4期 (1999/8)
In the past 12 years, over 1500 lumbar discectomies have been performed by our service. During this period, we encounted two cases of bowel perforation following lumbar discectomy. Both of these patients were middle-aged women who underwent discectomy at the lumbosacral junction. Each experienced abdominal pain within one day after the operation. Exploratory laparotomy revealed small bowel perforation in both patients and the perforating holes were primarily closed. Each patient had an uneventful recovery after the laparotomy. In this paper, discuss the predisposing factors and methods of prevention for iatrogenic perforation of the small intestine during lumbar spinal surgery.