Aortic perforation as a complication of percutaneous coronary angiography
Hui-Han Lin, Wei-Liang Lai, Ping-Chun Li, Ming-Li Li
44卷6期 (2011/12)
Aortic perforation during coronary angiographyis a rare but potentially lethalcomplication.
We present the case of a 75-year-old man who sustained an aortic perforation at the sinus
of Valsava during coronary angiography being carried out in preparation for percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI). This clinical emergency was initially managed by pericardiocentesis with
a pigtail catheter, despite subtle evidence shown by the image of coronary perforation or aortic
perforation. Emergency pericardiotomy was performed and active bleeding was found from the
sinus of Valsava. We successfully repaired the perforation using a direct tensionless suture. This
case suggests that aortic perforation can be missed if there is only a subtle contrast jet in the angiography,
and emergency surgical intervention will then become mandatory.