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第28卷 第3期 1995-6
A New Technique for Excision of Neonatal Ovarian Cyst


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
Endotracheal Tube as an Atrial Caval Shunt to Rescue a Juxtahepatic Venous Injury


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
Gastric Leiomyoblastoma


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
Traumatic Dislocation of the Testis: Report of Two Cases


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
W arfarin-induced lieus (Hemoperitoneum and Jejunal Intramural Hematoma): a Case Report and Review of Literature


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
Temporalis Muscle Swelling Secondary to Chronic Mandibular Third Molar Pericoronitis


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
Retrograde Jejunogastric Intussusception: A Rare Complication After Billroth II Subtotal Gastrectomy一A Cαse Report


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
Septic Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis Complicating Facial Furuncle: Case Report


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
No Drain for Perforated Appendicitis in Children: A Single Institute Experience


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
Eight Years of Experience of Augmentation Mammaplasty: A Retrospective Study


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
Post-Injection Rectus Femoris Contracture


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
Abdominal Tuberculosis: A Retrospective Review of 26 Patients .in a District General Hospital of Southern Taiwan


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
Angiosarcoma of the Head and Neck


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
Multiple Primary Malignant Neoplasms in Gastric Cancer Patients


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
Change of Serum Levels of Vitamin E in Adults after Relief from Obstructive Jaundice


第28卷 第3期 1995-6
Historical Perspectives of Organ Transplantation


第28卷 第4期 1995-8
Perforation of the Gall Bladder following Blunt Abdominal Trauma一A Cαse Report


第28卷 第4期 1995-8
Acute Traumatic Abdominal Wall Hernia


第28卷 第4期 1995-8
A Case Report of Splenic Inflammatory Pseudotumor


第28卷 第4期 1995-8
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia with Urogenital Sinus: A Case Report

篇名 Historical Perspectives of Organ Transplantation
作者 Barry D. Kahan
卷期/出版年月 28卷3期 (1995/6)
頁次 165-170
分類 Invited Editorial

台灣外科醫學會雜誌 © 2006 Taiwan Surgical Association All Rights Reserved
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