Torsion of Epiploic Appendix of Sigmoid Colon: Laparoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment
Chung-Chin Yao, Huang-Hui Wong, Chen-Chun Yang, Chung-Shi Lin, Min-Shen Yang
32卷6期 (1999/12)
Torsion of the epiploic appendix is rarely diagnosed pre-operatively because clinical symptoms are usually non-specific and can mimic other surgical conditions such as appendicitis and cecal diverticulitis. We report a case in which a 51-year-old male underwent diagnostic laparosopy for abdominal pain supected to be secondary to acute appendicitis. A twisted epiploic appendix of the sigmoid colon with an infarcted distal part was seen. Due to the presence of concomitant symptomatic gallstones, laparosopic cholecystectomy and resection of the epiploic appendix were carried out simultaneously. This patient was discharged uneventfully five days after the operation. We believe that in cases of lower abdominal pain with peritoneal irritation, laparoscopy not only can provide a wide field of examination for localizing intra-abdominal pathology, but in some instances can also aid in case management.