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  篇名 作者 頁次
1 Effectiveness of fine needle aspiration cytology versus excisional biopsy in cervical lymphadenopathy (關鍵詞|全文) Anoop Vasudevan Pillai, Riju Ramachandran, Pallavi Vijay Borkar, Renjitha Bhaskaran 79-84
2 Functional outcome of type 13 C2 distal humerus fractures treated with precontoured locking plates (關鍵詞|全文) S. V. Gowtam, Ravindra B. Gunaki 85-90
3 Laboratory virtual instrument engineering workbench-based semi-automated measurement of cranial asymmetry (關鍵詞|全文) Jui‑Ming Sun, Chih‑Ta Huang, Cheng‑Ta Hsieh 91-96
4 Postoperative outcomes of microphlebectomy and Trendelenburg operation with stripping for saphenofemoral junction incompetence+ (關鍵詞|全文) Bhuvana Lakshmi, Siddartha Gowthaman, E Elamaran, S Vinoth, M Ramanathan 97-102
5 Lumbar spinal epidural hematoma without vertebral fracture causing cauda equina syndrome (關鍵詞|全文) Tsung‑Mu Wu, Tien‑Yu Chiang, Po‑Chang Huang, Kin‑Weng Wong 103-106
6 Adenomyomatosis of the gall bladder in an 8‑year‑old girl (關鍵詞|全文) Tune-Yie Shih, Wei-Yun Hsu, Hong-Lin He 107-110
7 A diagnostic challenge of invasive sellar neuroaspergillosis in an immunocompetent patient (關鍵詞|全文) Pranita Mohanty, Anasuya Lenka, T. Govardhan, Souvagya Panigrahi 111-113
8 Retroperitoneal fetiform teratoma in an infant (關鍵詞|全文) Rahul Gupta, Priyanka Mittal, Arpita Jindal, Praveen Mathur, Sunil Jakhar, Anu Bhandari 114-117

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